
The party's over...for the time being

After a memorable Christmas, 2014 got off to a flying start.  

We went to a New Year's Eve party hosted by our friends Elizabeth and Roger and raised our glasses in a toast to 2014 as Big Ben chimed.

Lunch on 2 January with Steve's brother Martin and his wife Mary - enjoying a meal at our local gastro pub, The Punter, then back to our house for coffee and more chatting before waving them off back to Frome in Somerset.

Yesterday, on the Tenth Day of Christmas, we were delighted that many of our neighbours and dear friends from Oxford and much further afield were able to brave the storms and floods to join us for an evening of drinks and nibbles.  

There were people from all stages of our lives, back to our student days and including those we got to know through work and have since stayed in touch with.  Many of these had not seen each other for a while, so it was reunions all round! It was also lovely to see friends from different parts of our lives meeting with each other and having a good time together, as well as having young children in the house again - the street is renewing itself with young families!

The house was buzzing with life which not even an automated phone call from the Environment Agency warning that flooding could be expected that night could spoil.  We just carried on having fun!  Thank you to everyone who made it such an enjoyable occasion.  For those who couldn't join us due to illness, we hope you are fully recovered soon.  For those who had other commitments, we hope you had as much fun as we did, especially Elizabeth and Roger who are in Iceland hoping to see the Northern Lights.

Today, the Christmas tree and decorations have come down and we are gradually working our way through the big post-party tidy up.  Back to reality....

...I'm pleased to say that although the park at the end of the street is back under water, the level has not risen overnight, and we can still see the top of the flood gauge today.  This means there is still capacity in the flood plain to accommodate yet more water before we have to start thinking about shifting important things upstairs.  Hopefully, it won't come to that.  

Today, the Christmas tree and decorations have come down and we are gradually working our way through the big post-party tidy up, although not with a great deal of enthusiasm, I have to confess.  But we'll get there in the end.   

Steve's appointment with the consultant is on Thursday.  Over the next few days we really must think hard about options and how to handle the meeting so that we come out having made a decision, or at least having the information we need to choose a direction and the means of making it happen.  

There are a few commitments on the calendar for January, but nothing beyond that date as yet.  I imagine that by this time next week, it might start looking a bit different.  We shall see....

It has been good to see that many of the meso warriors have enjoyed the festive season, or fared better than they dared hope while undergoing or recovering from treatment.  Big hugs to you all.  And a very special, tender hug for Faye whose dad died this morning, only 2 months and 3 weeks after being diagnosed with mesothelioma...so heartbreaking.

Rather than end today's post on a sad note, here are two bit of good news which are nothing to do with cancer.  Firstly, there was a one page spread featuring my photography in Digital Camera magazine which went on sale on Friday.  Click on the image to see it larger - you might just be able to read the words!

Secondly, my image Lady-in-Waiting has reached the final of the "Art of Building" photography competition, sponsored by the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB).  

You can see all 15 finalists and vote for your favourite by clicking here!  One vote per person.  Voting closes 9 January, the same day as Steve's next hospital appointment so I will have other things on my mind!

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