
One week + one year

One week....

As any meso warrior will tell you, life is fundamentally different after diagnosis.  However, there are rare time when it's as close to "normal" as it can get...We have just had one of those weeks...

A working week for me, spending most of the time in Guernsey, or traveling to/from the Channel Islands. While I was away, Steve has been holding the fort at home, representing both of us at the Annual Meeting of Osney Lock Hydro, a community-funded renewable energy scheme that we support, and keeping in touch with the care home in Bristol, where his mum is now resident.  

There was good news on the photography front while I was away.  Within a 24 hour period, two images were published on 1X (a curated online gallery) and a third selected as "Curator's Choice" which is quite an honour, plus Steve took a phone call from someone who had seen my work on the 1X website and wanted to discuss a project.  

There was also a phone call from the musculo-skeletal team at the local Orthopaedic Centre to say I've been accepted as a referral and can expect an appointment within the next month or so.  Looking forward to getting my back sorted!

We were out yesterday morning helping to photograph a 5 km fun run to raise money for charity, and both enjoyed ourselves enormously in the process!  And the good news is that Steve didn't react badly to the sunlight, even though we were outdoors for a couple of hours in bright sunshine!


One year.....

Today marks not only the start of a new week, but also the first anniversary of the death of Debbie Brewer, one of the most inspiring meso warriors we have ever had the pleasure and honour to meet.  The mesothelioma community will be thinking of Debbie and her family today, more than ever.  

Sending a big hug to Kieran, Debbie's youngest son and to Siobhan and Rich, her older "children".  

At Kieran's request, we will raise a glass in Debbie's memory this evening, along with many others who knew her and miss her xx

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