
Spring into action

Although there's one more week until the end of February, spring is very much in the air and we have continued to be busy in the house.  

Steve's old workroom has been completely transformed into another guest bedroom with organised storage for our collection of art and music media as well as space for visitor's cases, clothes, toiletries, bits and bobs.  Although small, the room is bright and sunny and overlooks the garden so its a very pleasant place to be now it's decorated, carpeted and decluttered.  

The garden is greening up nicely.  At long last, the tree next door has been cut back; sunlight and daylight are flooding into our plot and lots of plants and bulbs are springing into life, guarded by a matrix of little wooden kebab skewers stuck in the ground now the smell of lion poo pellets no longer deters the neighbourhood's cats...Time to sow some seeds soon to enjoy summer flowers!

Steve has been springing into action too - his hair is growing well; his weight is still increasing; his energy levels are improving.  He still needs an occasional nap during the day, however, he seems like a different man compared to the way he looked and felt in November and early December, which is the lowest I have ever known him to be.  We thought he would get even worse after hearing the doctor's prognosis back then.  In fact, the opposite has happened - thank goodness - and long may it continue!

It's not been all work.  I've had some time to spend on photography and had a run of images published recently, which was very pleasing.  After putting a lot of energy into the house, we've rewarded ourselves with a couple of trips out, including a Valentines Day trip to London, where we met up with our dear friend Sarah and enjoyed two exhibitions at the National Portrait Gallery with lunch in between and tea together before starting out on the journey home.  

We've also travelled to Bristol to visit Steve's mum in her nursing home.  She didn't wake up this time, but we talked to the community care worker (who was there to do an assessment) and the on-site nurse.  We also made what now feels like the obligatory trip to Ikea, so it wasn't a wasted journey.   

We are still hesitant to make plans very far into the future, but are looking forward to Steve's birthday in little over a week's time and a family pre-birthday celebration at the end of the month.  More of that in a future post :-) 

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