
Home entertainment

No blog posts for a over a week, and now three come along together.  Here is number 3

As getting out and about now is difficult for Steve, we are now enjoying the company of family and friends at home where Steve can take himself off quietly for a nap if he feels tired and doesn't have to worry about what/when/how much to eat - issues which makes dining out a bit tricky, even if we can get him to the pub/restaurant by car and wheelchair now that he is unable to walk very far.

So....we've been entertaining at home instead!   

My old school friend Angela kick started this round of visits, joining us for tea and cakes the week before last.  On Sunday, both our grown up children were here for lunch, along with the Bristol-based Wrides - nephew Nick, his partner Kate, daughter Esme and mum Di.  And jolly wonderful it was too! 

Yesterday, our friend Ruth dropped in for a chat on her way home after visiting her daughter Emily and baby grandson Reggie.

This coming Sunday, it's the turn of the Frome based Wrides to come for lunch - Steve's brother Martin, his wife Mary and son Mathew, together with Jack and Katie, our son and daughter. Martin will be bringing a wheelchair offered to us by a meso friend on Facebook. Mandy - you are a star!

Other friends are coming in early December - Andy and Dave on their way back to the Peak District, and Keith and Glynis taking a short break in Oxford to visit us at home.  Looking forward to it very much....

Home entertainment in the company of family and good friends - nothing to beat it!

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