
Recipe for a memorable Christmas!


Christmas tree, lights, baubles and a star
Wrapping paper, ribbons, sticky tape and tags
Cards, envelopes and letters (sent and received)
Balloons, streamers and candles
Christmas stockings
Presents (all sorts!)
Christmas crackers
Good food (all sorts)
Wine, prosecco and champagne
Board games, jigsaw puzzles and books
Music (all sorts, including Carols from Kings College)
Buck's Fizz, mulled wine and cider
Boxing Day walk 
A "bit of a do" with the neighboours

Do as much preparation as possible in advance
Get in the festive spirit by enjoying champagne and mince pies with the neighbours
Finish decorating the house and tree whilst waiting for the rest of the family to arrive
Turn off all alarm clocks
Lubricate the proceedings regularly with food and drink (and chocolate)
Rest as necessary
From time to time, stir games, puzzles, books and music into the mix of food and and drink (especially when experiencing chocolate overload...)
Liven up with a breath of fresh air as required, preferably with a riverside walk finishing at a picturesque pub that does mulled cider....
Phone up or meet up with friends, go to a pantomime, art gallery...whatever takes your fancy

Enjoy yourself!

Serves four
Preparation time - about a week
Cooking/enjoyment time - 7-14 days, if not longer

Our memorable Christmas is drawing to a close, but it's been lovely to have both Jack and Katie here with us at the same time and to hear about their plans for the future - new job, moving house - especially as we can't bring ourselves 
to look very far into the future, as things stand.  Although Jack returned to Bristol this morning, Katie is with us for a bit longer.  No doubt, she will "first foot" for us on New Years Day.  Who knows what 2016 will bring? Changes for sure.  We shall just have to see what and when. Come back and check in 2016.  In the meantime, a very happy New Year to you all, with our love xx

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