
Not fade away

Six years and eight months almost to the day since diagnosis, Steve's mesothelioma journey is now over.

He died at home, in the familiar and comfortable surroundings of our bedroom (as he wished) shortly before 9 am yesterday morning.

The last creative thing he did was to design and print a Valentines card which he presented to me on Sunday, St Valentine's Day.

It was inspired by the lyrics of the Stones 1963 single Not Fade Away.  I cannot think of a better tribute to mark his passing, so will share it with you now. Some of you will recognise my nickname :)

I'll post details of the funeral arrangements in due course and - if I can bring myself to write more - how we spent our remaining time together.

A heartfelt thanks from me, Jack and Katie for all the love and support that has been flowing our way from dear friends all over the world.  

In the words of the song "A love that's real not fade away".  

With love to you all xxxxxx

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