
Back to life, back to reality....

So...after a short escape to Holland, it was back to real life and reality.  It's taken a while to catch up after our visit to Amsterdam, even though it was only a short trip.  

After just one day back at home, I was off again - this time on a work-related trip to Guernsey for a few days, then working hard at home for the rest of the week.  

We spent the last day of June in Bristol, visiting Steve's mum on her 88th birthday - the care home gave her a great chocolate cake with candles, which was shared with all the other residents once we had been served!

We've also been catching up with our cyber family the mesothelioma warriors on Facebook in general and the other meso bloggers in particular.  Sadly, for the most part, the news has not been good.  

More warriors have fought and lost their last battle - our hearts go out to their families and friends left behind.  

Fellow blogger Lou is having a tough time on chemo in Australia; Tess in Kent is still feeling poorly after her last chemo treatment, so probably a wise, if difficult, decision not to have any more; Amanda and Ray only recently back from a holiday Italy were dealt a blow when they found out that Ray's mesothelioma is back on the march again, so they, like us, are looking at options but not letting it stop them enjoy life in the meantime.  Jim has been through hell with his chemo, but was determined to get through the full course of treatment as it's knocking back the disease and gives him more treatment options.   

Mavis in Kent has just taken her second dose of an immunotherapy trial drug at the Royal Marsden.  It's having some side effects including affecting her sleeping pattern, but she is managing well; listens to her body, eats well and takes it easy when she has to.  

Sending much love to you all x

Now July has arrived, that means its just under 7 weeks to Steve's next assessment, which will be at the clinical trials unit clinic.  We'll hear then if there are any trials recruiting which might be suitable for him and get some idea of how quickly his cancer is growing.  If the difference in size is obvious on the X-ray, then we know there is a problem.  

In the meantime, Steve is still feeling fine and not getting too puffed unless he's doing something strenuous, like carrying 20 kilo bags of "postcrete" from the car, through the house and into the back garden, where we are hoping to make some progress on replacing fences tomorrow, with help from a friend, John.  

Now that England is out of the world cup, I think we will be rooting for Holland!  Oh dear...Just seen that Murray has been knocked out of Wimbledon....Life is unpredictable, isn't it? 

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