
Mesothelioma Action Day

Today is Mesothelioma Action Day.  The event started in 2006 and has been celebrated every year since then.  Throughout the UK events are organised by asbestos victims support groups to raise awareness, remember loved ones lost to the disease and publicise the Action Mesothelioma Charter.  

Action Mesothelioma Charter

Mesothelioma patients and their families have a right to:
  • a speedy and accurate diagnosis, supported by a Multi Disciplinary Team discussion;
  • good quality information from a variety of sources available in different media and languages;
  • support of a suitably qualified nurse and other Multi Disciplinary Team members throughout their illness;
  • be considered for the best possible treatments available with the support and input of a Multi Disciplinary Team;
  • have up-to-date advice on benefits and help in applying for them, and receive prompt payment of benefits;
  • have legal advice and guidance from a firm of solicitors experienced in mesothelioma claims;
  • guidance on end of life decisions and care at home;
  • provision of a consistent nationwide service from coroners using a clear and open process with a maximum case length of three months.
We call upon the Government to:

  • have mesothelioma made a national priority by the Cancer Tsar;
  • fund good quality research, alongside other national bodies, on mesothelioma with a view to improving diagnosis, treatment and outcomes for patients;
  • support the production of clinical Guidelines on the best practice of diagnosis and management of mesothelioma;
  • ensure the Health and Safety Executive vigorously enforce existing regulations on asbestos
And call upon all employers to:

  • prevent future exposure to asbestos by providing a safe working environment with all necessary equipment to protect employees;
  • work with unions and individuals to ensure enforcement of current regulations to safeguard all employees;
  • identify all asbestos in their properties and organise its safe removal where practical or necessary when work is being carried out.
Mesothelioma is a malignant lung disease which results mainly from exposure to asbestos.  Someone dies every five hours from mesothelioma in the UK.  Not just statistics - real people, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, grandmothers and grandfathers, uncles and aunties, friends and lovers....

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