
ich hab mein herz in Heidelberg verloren

As a child, I was given a musical box.  When the lid opened, a little ballerina figure inside twirled to the music of "Ich hab mein hertz in Heidelberg verloren" (I lost my heart in Heidelberg). Little did I know back then that I would visit the city one day...

We have just returned from a long weekend in Heidelberg, and I think we have left a little bit of our hearts behind...it's a wonderful city that knows how to celebrate!

The reason for our trip was to meet up with some of our photography friends, people we had not seen since Budapest last year.  It was lovely greeting our "old" friends, and making some new ones!  

We all met up on Friday evening for a meal together, then joined in the fun on Saturday when the city was celebrating "Heidelberger Herbst" - a street festival to celebrate autumn.  

Stalls sell food and drink of every description and there is a flea market in many streets.  Everyone is out enjoying themselves and having a great time, and so did we!

Stages are set up in the squares of the old town and you can enjoy every sort of music, from folk to rock, electronic to traditional, all day and into the night.  

We enjoyed another meal together on Saturday night, before making our way back to the hotel via several live music stages and a drink or two.

We would have loved to have stayed longer, but a hospital appointments on Thursday for Steve's pre-trial tests and having to be home on Monday to wait for the call to say whether Steve could take part in the trial restricted the length of our visit.  

Sadly we had to say our goodbyes to everyone on Sunday, with big hugs and a few tears....All being well, we will see you all again next year if not before!

The call came today.  All Steve's test results were fine.  He's on the trial, starting tomorrow.  Hospital at 8.30 am.  It's good to be doing something, although we are naturally apprehensive about side effects and whether the trial drug will have any positive effects on the meso.  But if you don't try, you don't know....so here we go....again.   Ta dah!

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