
On trial: Day 1, Cycle 1 of AZD0424

The phone call came through yesterday...all Steve's test results are good; he's clear to start the new early phase trial. 

Early start this morning...no breakfast for Steve as he has to take the capsules on an empty stomach.  No breakfast for me either...not enough time before leaving the house at 7.45am to get to the hospital in time for the appointment.  

We have been installed in Room 16, the one which has one of my photos on the wall - a good omen we hope?

First off, more tests - blood pressure; ECG; urine samples and bloods...the usual problem finding a vein...one of the experienced nurses had to come and do it after the regular nurse gave up for fear of damaging the best looking vein. Then the doctor's examination and questions - no changes since we saw him last Thursday.

The trial drug arrived at 11 am - three 50 mg capsules of AZD0424.  No food for an hour after taking the dose.  I had sneaked out for a coffee and toasted teacake, but poor Steve was starving by noon when he was finally allowed something to eat!  At least he has a good appetite at the moment.

We have spent the rest of the day in hospital. Eight blood samples are taken every few hours to see how the drug is absorbed into the blood stream. The last sample will be taken around 8 pm, so a VERY long day by the time we get home.  I was lucky enough to go walkabout in the early afternoon for a change of scene.  Steve stayed on the ward, reading, doing crosswords, surfing the net....

We are back again tomorrow for the 24 hour blood sample, and then another visit to take a research blood sample on Thursday.  After that, it's weekly visits for tests, until the start of cycle 2 in 29 days time when we have another set of hospital visits three days in a row, including one very long day.

And so that's the pattern of life for the next couple of months....

Only another hour, and we can go home!

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