
a family Christmas

This year, Christmas has been very much a family affair.  

Our son and daughter arrived the day before Christmas Eve. We were joined after Christmas by our daughter's partner, followed soon after by our nephew, his partner and their daughter who came for lunch on Monday and stayed until early evening.  So...the house has been full of life, laughter and activity much of the time, with just a few pauses for naps - for all of us, not just Steve...

We have enjoyed good company, good food and wine, some fantastic presents, family games, a Boxing Day walk terminating at a riverside pub for mulled wine, and lots of laughter, hugs and kisses.  

We even managed a family day trip to Bristol to visit Steve's mum in her nursing home.  Although she was asleep, Steve's kiss woke her up.  She smiled and seemed to recognise everyone, which was the best Christmas present she could have given us. 

We're looking forward to a meal with our dear friends Jonathan and Sally tomorrow, and a get together here with Steve's brother and his wife on Friday. Just what we need to set us up for the New Year. 

We were very touched by a blog post about Steve written by our friend Linda Reinstein of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Association (ADAO) which you can read here.  I particularly like the quote which finishes the blog post.

We stopped taking life for granted when Steve was first diagnosed with mesothelioma. Since then, our time horizon has rarely looked beyond the date of his next assessment. Now, even more, we take each day as it comes - we can usually find something to celebrate.  

Over the last week, Steve's appetite has improved; he has not only maintained his weight but has also gained several pounds; the growth of hair on his head and face is noticeable, he has now passed the peak period for fatigue associated with radiotherapy so we hope his energy levels will improve a little in the coming days.  

Whatever 2015 has in store for us, I hope there will always be a little voice at the end of each day which says I'll try again tomorrow....

Last but not least, we wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness, fulfilment, courage and comfort in the coming twelve months - with love from us xxx

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