
This is for you - you wonderful people!

This is for you, you wonderful people - our family and friends!

You wonderful people who send such thoughtful, caring and uplifting messages via email, PMs and comments on Facebook, letters, notes in Christmas cards and phone calls...

You wonderful people who turn up on the doorstep in person and via couriers bearing gifts to tempt Steve's tastebuds - boxes and hampers of delicious morsels and home-made mince pies....

You wonderful people who offer to provide practical help as well as emotional support....

You wonderful people who send us cyber hugs through space from afar, and give us real hugs in person that feel just a little tighter and last just a little longer than normal, while you whisper "Remember, you are not alone" ....

You have no idea how much this means to us and how much we appreciate it!  

All the positive thoughts and good vibrations seem to be working...  Steve's appetite is much improved; he is enjoying his food and has even regained a little weight.  His hair is growing slowly but surely; the eyebrows are making a faint but welcome appearance and it looks like he may need a shave soon...

Our friend Sally has suggested we give you a Christmas present - a picture of Steve wearing bright colours and smiling, as she saw him the other evening.  I'll see what I can do...

In the meantime, this is from us to you....you wonderful people - just a small way to say thank you and show our appreciation for all you support and kindness

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